summer lawn fertilizer

Reno in the Summer: Is Using Lawn Fertilizer in the Summertime OK?

Taking care of your lawn during summer is crucial for maintaining its health and appearance, especially in the dry Reno heat. The hot weather and increased sunlight can stress your lawn, making it susceptible to drought, weed growth, and nutrient deficiencies. To keep it looking lush and green all summer long, it's important to apply the right summer lawn fertilizer.

Following the tips in this blog will ensure your lawn thrives throughout summer and remains healthy afterward.

Understanding the Need for Summer Fertilization in Reno

It is common in Reno for the intense summer heat and dry conditions to stress your grass, causing it to become weak and vulnerable to pests and diseases. Applying the right fertilizer during the summer months can give your lawn the essential nutrients it needs to withstand the heat and maintain its green color. Understanding the specific needs of your lawn and the soil conditions in Reno, NV will help you choose the right fertilizer and apply it at the appropriate time.

The Climate Challenge: Hot, Dry Summers in Reno

Reno, NV, is known for its hot and dry summers, which present unique challenges for lawn care. With temperatures reaching the triple digits and limited rainfall, lawns in Reno require special attention during the summer months. The lack of water and intense heat can cause grass to go dormant or even die if not properly cared for.

To maintain a healthy lawn in Reno, it is essential to choose a fertilizer that can withstand drought conditions and provide the necessary nutrients.

The Benefits of Summer Lawn Fertilization

Fertilizing during the summer months helps to replenish nutrients lost due to heat stress and frequent mowing. It also supports top growth, which allows the grass to compete with weeds and withstand foot traffic.

Additionally, summer fertilization can enhance the color and density of your lawn, making it more resistant to pests, diseases, and environmental stressors.

Enhancing Growth During the Toughest Months

Using high-quality lawn fertilizer is essential to enhancing growth during the toughest summer months. Summer lawn food is specifically formulated to provide grass with the nutrients it needs to thrive in hot and dry conditions. These fertilizers are designed to release nutrients slowly, ensuring continuous feeding and reducing the risk of nutrient burn.

In addition to using summer lawn food, you can also consider overseeding with heat-tolerant grass seed to fill in any bare patches and improve your lawn's overall resilience.

Selecting the Right Summer Lawn Fertilizer

Selecting the right summer fertilizer is crucial for the health and appearance of your lawn. There are several factors to consider when choosing a fertilizer, including the specific needs of your grass type, the nutrient content of the fertilizer, and whether to use organic or synthetic options.

Key Ingredients for Summer Lawn Fertilizer

When choosing a summer fertilizer, it's important to understand the key ingredients that promote healthy lawn growth. The three key nutrients to consider are nitrogen, potassium, and sulfur. Nitrogen promotes lush green growth and is essential for overall lawn health. Potassium helps improve the grass's ability to withstand stress, such as heat and drought. Sulfur is important for maintaining soil acidity and nutrient availability.

To ensure your lawn receives these essential nutrients, look for a fertilizer with a balanced nutrient ratio and consider conducting a soil test to determine any specific nutrient deficiencies. Incorporating these key ingredients into your summer lawn care routine can give your grass the necessary nutrients for optimal growth and health.

Organic vs. Synthetic Fertilizers: Pros and Cons

Choosing between organic and synthetic fertilizers for your summer lawn care program is a personal preference. Both types have their pros and cons. Organic fertilizers are derived from natural sources and provide slow-release nutrients that feed your lawn over time. They also improve soil health and microbial activity. However, organic fertilizers can be more expensive and require larger application rates.

On the other hand, synthetic fertilizers offer concentrated nutrients that provide quick results. They are often more affordable and easier to apply. However, synthetic fertilizers do not improve soil health and can lead to nutrient runoff.

Application Tips for Summer Lawn Fertilization

Proper application of summer lawn fertilizer is crucial for achieving optimal results. Here are some essential tips to follow:

  • Fertilize early or late in the evening to avoid heat stress and reduce nutrient loss.

  • Follow the recommended application rates the manufacturer provides for your grass type and fertilizer.

  • Avoid applying too much nitrogen, which can lead to excessive top growth and increase the risk of disease and pest problems.

  • Use a spreader to ensure the fertilizer is evenly distributed across your lawn.

  • Avoid using the wrong fertilizer for your grass type, as different grasses have specific nutrient requirements.

Best Time of Day to Fertilize

The best time of day to fertilize your lawn during the summer is in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler. Fertilizing during the hottest part of the day can increase the risk of nutrient burn and stress your grass, especially in areas with high summer temperatures. Applying fertilizer in the early morning or late evening allows nutrients to penetrate the soil and be absorbed by the grass before the day's heat.

Liquid fertilizers can be applied at any time of day as long as they are watered into the soil immediately. Granular fertilizers should be used when the grass is dry and then watered thoroughly to ensure proper absorption.

How Often to Fertilize During Summer Months

The frequency of summer lawn fertilization depends on several factors, including your grass type, soil conditions, and the specific fertilizer being used. Generally, it is recommended to fertilize warm-season grasses, such as Bermuda and Zoysia, every 4-6 weeks to promote their vigorous growth. Additionally, consider incorporating a crabgrass preventer into your summer fertilization schedule to control the development of this common lawn weed.

Watering Practices for Fertilized Lawns

Proper watering practices are essential for maintaining a healthy lawn, especially after fertilization. Deep and infrequent watering promotes deep root growth and reduces water evaporation. Watering in the morning allows the grass to dry before evening, reducing disease risk. Watering deeply and less frequently encourages the grass to develop deep roots, making it more resilient to drought conditions.

It is important to monitor the moisture levels in your soil and adjust your watering schedule accordingly. Avoid overwatering, leading to shallow root growth and increased disease susceptibility.


Proper summer lawn fertilization is crucial for maintaining a healthy and vibrant lawn, especially in challenging climates like Reno. By understanding the specific needs of your grass type, selecting the right fertilizer, and following best practices for application and watering, you can enhance growth and resilience during the hot summer months.

Avoid common mistakes and regularly monitor and adjust your fertilization strategy to ensure optimal results. You can enjoy a lush and thriving lawn throughout the summer with the right approach.